February Journal

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  • #3255

    Hi everyone,

    It’s that time again: the next edition of the journal is due out next month. So please send me lots of things to put in it, before 1st February.

    This might be:

    • Meet reports for meets since October (meet leaders, you know who you are) – this can include memorable evening meets as well as longer trips
    • Adverts for forthcoming meets
    • Accounts of unofficial and non-club trips – trust me, people are interested
    • Cool photos that you’ve taken
    • Anything else that your fellow members might be interested in – even if it’s just a paragraph, or a witty epigram!

    Please send it all to journals@mynydd.org.uk.




    It looks like this journal might be relatively short on words, so I’m looking to fill it up with some of the quality photos that I know you lot capture.

    If you have any good photos from the last few months of Mynydd-related activities, please send them to journals@mynydd.org.uk within the next couple of weeks.

    You might even get on the front cover!



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