The Mynydd Climbing Club is based in the South Manchester area, with members spread across the UK and beyond. It is a friendly club, with a wide range of members. For more information on how to join or our meets program, see the individual pages in the menus above.
David joined the club after finishing university and has been an active member ever since. He served his Winter and Alpine climbing apprenticeships under the guidance of Mynydd members with only a small handful of epics along the way. He has previously been on the committee as Meets Secretary and took the position of Chair in 2023. Now living up in Leeds, you won’t see him on Tuesday evening meets very much but he’s a regular attendee of weekend and extended meets.
Josh joined the club in 2023 after attending a club TUPTO event, looking for new people to climb with. Loves outdoors adventures and is always keen for some last-minute (easy) trad climbing and exploring local crags. Sunny weather and a good view might even tempt him into a spot of sport climbing especially if you’re supplying snacks.Outside of climbing he is also a trail runner, skier, and cyclist. A regular at Tuesday meetings, he’s always game for local crag trips and bigger mountain excursions on weekends.
James has been climbing for about 20 years and is still hopeful of improving one day. His passion is mountaineering and his holidays are filled with Scottish winter climbing, ski touring and alpine adventures. He has the fun job of keeping the finances in check (finally finding a use for his PhD in maths!) He represents the eastern ‘arm’ of the club having recently moved to Sheffield.
Steve joined the Mynydd in 2021 after his long-time climbing partner relocated to Australia. Though you’ll rarely see him on a Tuesday evening, he’s a regular at weekend and extended meets. Despite being a trad and sea cliff connoisseur at heart, these days you’re just as likely to find him training on a woody, redpointing sport routes or bouldering on the grit; some say he’s gone soft, others think he’s seen the light.
Tom joined the Mynydd in 2021, having never before climbed outdoors. A regular on warm Tuesday evenings in the summer, he enjoys nice easy routes over the really hard stuff. He’s looking forward to introducing new members to the joys of climbing with the Mynydd as the new Membership Secretary this year.
Steph is a long-standing member of the club. She took on the role of hut warden in April 2021.
Rob has been around the Mynydd all his life (long time now) as his parents were members. He spent a lot of time at our Hut, Blaen Y Nant in North Wales as a child and so has a great fondness for this wonderful place. As such he’s been the hut bookings sec for some years now. Rob enjoys being out in the mountains and prefers long easy rock mountain routes, ski mountaineering, MTB and Alpine ascents.
Andy joined the Mynydd long, long ago, when his waist was appreciably smaller than his chest. Since this photo was taken he has bought a bouldering mat of his own to lounge around on.