Welcome to the Mynydd Climbing Club Forums Meets ANNUAL DINNER 2017


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  • #2955
    Kirstin Prager

    The Dinner this year is back at the Royal Victoria in Llanberis. It is on Saturday 25th November (not 27th as in the journal).

    The number for the hotel is 01286 870 253 (this is also wrong in the journal – both down to the hotel!)

    Room rates should be £90 for a double or twin, £70 for a single and £115 for a family. HOWEVER. The hotel have got the wrong rate in their system so they will have to charge you £95 for a double (not sure about the others).

    I need to speak to someone on Tuesday to sort this out so please don’t have a row with the hotel receptionist!


    Also worth noting is that despite the above being a concessionary rate, you may currently be able to book the room at a lower rate on line (I will also mention this when I speak to them).

    The dinner menu is in the journal – I will try to set up some kind of electronic thing for you to use to select what you want but you can also email me or reply here and I will make a note.

    Cost of the dinner is £24.00 per person.

    Kirstin Prager

    Book your menu choices here

    Payment needs to be made by 27 October 2017 preferably by BACS in the usual way

    Kirstin Prager

    If you do have dietary requirements for health or religious reasons could you tack your name to them please – they don’t record who has said what which makes responding a bit tricky!

    Dave Oliver

    Hi, anyone want to share a twin room for the Sat night? Website didn’t show up any singles, £55 for the twin on the website, so good value! I’m happy to book anytime now.
    Regs, Dave Oliver

    Dave Oliver

    ER…cancel that, used the journal date which is incorrect. Room price £75 min. Not quite such a bargain but not too bad!

    Andy Hardy

    Hi Kirsten
    Just phoned for a family room – £95 result!
    See you there

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