Ben Key update

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  • #1828
    Jules Lane

    Hi all

    Following recent discussions with a wide range of winter types it has been agreed that following his request, John Crook will be keeper-of-the-key (sounds like something from Lord of the Rings!) for this winter.

    John lives in Aviemore and can make good use of the key at short notice, often in the week, and we want it to be used as much as possible. HOWEVER…

    All bookings by members will take priority over John’s own use. Please give John a minimum of 3 days notice and he will post the key to you, first class. If that is not possible he is willing to deliver it in person once you’re up there. John checks his phone and email all the time, so please contact him to book the key if you’d like to use it (and let me know as well please);

    John’s Email –, or phone 07887 926 584

    Any problems contact me.

    PS. At present it is only booked for the Torridon meet (in case there is no snow up there during the meet) and Easter

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Jules Lane.
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