forthcomingThursday Lectures!

Welcome to the Mynydd Climbing Club Forums Meets forthcomingThursday Lectures!

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  • #701
    Steve Bowker

    the ames Turnbull lecture which unfortunately had to be cancelled due to mechanical problems last week has now been rescheduled for January, (James sends his profuse apologies),but before then,local superstar Pete Whittaker will be coming to dazzle us with some of his recent exploits on 4th December(full details to follow soon), then on 8th January;KMC climber, Climatoligist, Government advisor and Glossop wall expert Kevin Andersonwill be coming to talk about climbing from an environmentalists standpoint, before James Turnbull returns on 22nd January


    Hi Steve,

    Is it possible you could send some details on the planned talks to so we can plan some promotional stuff for the club.

    Just a short piece on who, why, when cost (do we charge?) etc… If we put this stuff on Twitter it gets sent to all the fans of the BMC (about 22k people) so might be a good advert for the club.

    If you can send us the raw info then we can do the rest.



    Steve Bowker

    Steve, we don’t charge entry, but I think this is one for the committee;- if they want to advertise this widely there’s a chance the Royal would be inundated with folk trying to jump on the bandwagon of freebie lectures, and if the motive is to have a recruitment drive the committee need to organise relevant crew to be present on the night to sign up potential new members;- over to Rachel and the team to approve the way forward I think


    Cool, will have further chats with Ian et al

    If you are reading this Committee types than let me know your thoughts, I wont be at the dinner so we’ll need to chat soon.

    This is a good op for recruiting, Steve has bagged some interesting folk to talk, so we may need to plan something.

    Let me know…

    Steve Bowker

    latest news- Pete Whittaker lecture 4th December
    Pete’s lecture; ‘beards, Bagels, and big walling’ will tell thetory of his recent trip to Yosemite, where he apparently blitzed some great routes in true Whittaker/ Randall style- promises to be a great night with pictures from his summer assault on all the Brown-Whillans routes in the Peak in a day (used as a warm-up for the states), plus tales of the legendary Century Crack! make sure you don’t miss this one!

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