There are several issues relating to the Easter booking at B-Y-N. Foremost amongst these is the very late notice for those members planning to go, meaning it is all but impossible to make other arrangements – it is apparent there will not be enough indoor space for all and this flies in the face of the assertion that the hut is lightly used (last Easter, there were more than the 16 from the outdoor group who were allowed to make a booking this year). Moreover, whether the committee should be able to make such decisions (affecting the general membership) without consent of the members (in this instance, wholly exacerbated by the time scale in which it was undertaken) is a question that needs to be addressed – saying the issue will be reviewed at the end of the year is not good enough.
The second issue here is that if we are to assume that all bank holidays will now be open to outside bookings, this brings into question the whole raison d’etre of having a club hut – the Mynydd will essentially be running the hut for the benefit of other clubs. Moreover, to suggest that members are free to make bookings is, if nothing else, farcical – members should not have to make bookings for their own club hut