Details for Sunday 20th November are:
Meet at the Angler’s Rest in Miller’s Dale (postcode SK17 8SN GR 142733). There is some parking along the lane and the landlord has said we can use the pub car park as we will be in the pub afterwards (meals, snacks and award winning real ale pub). I will bring maps for the runners. Grateful if walkers and bikers would bring their own map although I may have some spare/take a pic on your phone.
Walkers meet at 10.15 to set off by 10.30. Runners register at 10.45 – Race starts at 11.00. The traditional random handicap system will apply!
The Fell Race route is 5.5 miles. Walkers and bikers can easily vary to make shorter or longer.
All welcome for running, walking, biking and social. See you there…
Mark P
07789 905974