Full Moon Tuesday – 2nd December

Welcome to the Mynydd Climbing Club Forums Meets Full Moon Tuesday – 2nd December

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  • #748
    Richard Waltham

    Of the Tuesdays available during this Winter’s season, the 2nd December offers the moon which is least full and/or bright. By some rather distorted piece of logic this has resulted in a proposal to go underground (or not – read on)!
    It is alleged that St. Bertram’s Cave (with its riverside entrance some hundred feet or so beneath the Beeston Tor cliffs above) offers the opportunity of a subterranean direct start to St. Bertram’s Chimney. People claim to know people who claim to have done it. Conversely, a renowned member with a bent towards scientific proofs, claims that the aforementioned claims may no longer be valid. But, there’ll be little room for faffing on this adventure – come prepared to get muddy (short sections of hands&knees crawling required).
    If it sounds like an opportunity not to be missed, please register your interest to attend with me (on treasurer@mynydd.org.uk) so that we have an early gauge of numbers.
    If, on the other hand, it all sounds a bit curious but otherwise to be kept at a safe distance, Dave&Liz have kindly offered to lead a walk in the vicinity.
    The forecast, at present at least, is for a dry but cold evening.
    For either option, meet in the Caravan field just short of the cottage/farm/stepping stone (See the Event Calendar for rendez-vous details/map).

    Dave Liz Wilson

    Hi everyone, for those of you who, like us, are averse to discomfort, we are proposing an alternative walk from the same car park, via Throwley Hall, and ending up at the pub which Richard will soon specify! The walk is about 5 miles but can be shortened if a technical benightment (return after closing time) threatens.
    For the able bodied, this should not be taken as a easy wimp out for the caving adventure. Richard will be taking names!
    Meet at 7 for a 7.15 start with the cavers. The car park is at GR 104540. To get there take the road south from the road junction at Weags Bridge, and continue as it turns east to a field with some caravans.
    Let us know if you are coming.

    Health Warning: This walk may contain mud!


    Chris Blackett

    I plan to leave Glossop at 6pm. Let me know if you are planning to go and would like a lift

    Richard Waltham

    The choice of Pub might be a challenge befitting of the rest of the evening! Its seems that many are either not open on Tuesday evening at all or are closed by 9pm (This, I think, includes The Red Lion in Wetton, The Watt Russel, The Glass and Jug and others).

    However, I have just confirmed with the Royal Oak, Hurdlow that they will be serving Beer beyond 9pm (but they stop serving food at that time).

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