June Journal 2020

Welcome to the Mynydd Climbing Club Forums General June Journal 2020

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  • #4624
    Mark Ward

    JUNE JOURNAL 2020.
    Hello all, it’s that time again – journal submission time. Yes, despite the fact that we’ve had no meets other than the indoor “turn up tie on” there will be a June journal and it will be packed full of goodness. Without spoiling the surprise the club hits a couple of anniversaries this year and the journal will reflect that, revisiting some warm memories from back in the day. That said, I still need input from you all, both old and new members (by new I mean anyone who’s been in the club less than 20 or 30 years!) in these weird times of lockdown which are new to us all. When we’d all love to go climb a wall, what are you doing to stop yourself from “climbing the walls”? Any thoughts, poems, stories, photos, sketches/art, songs or accounts (I know some of you are very much not working from home right and out in the scary real world on a daily basis) gratefully received. It can be funny, serious or somewhere in between, it’s all part of what we are going through right now.
    Send them to journals@mynydd.org.uk by 15th May. You’ve a month to get your thinking caps on!
    Thank you and stay safe.

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