Notes from the Meeting.
Alps Meet 2016
Either Chamonix (Vallorcene) or the Bregalia (Vico Soprano) were favoured, I’m looking at campsites and will report back. Please let me know which you prefer out of these options.
Easter 2016
A UK week either Cornwall or Pembroke, depending on bird bans etc
Winter 2017
Aviemore area OR the CIC (I’ll be making enquiries!)
Whitsun 2017
Donegal (that’s Ireland, not Scotland!) to be lead by Maria
Early May BH 2016
Camping in the lakes, Paul has already volunteered for this
August BH 2016
Dorset camping
There was also discussion about weekend meets for most of the year, many options were put forward, debated and noted by me. Hopefully I’ll come up with a list which maximises satisifaction for the Mynydd membership.
I will need leaders for meets, full training can be given to those who haven’t yet lead a meet, but it’s pretty much common sense – let me know if there are meets you’d like to lead.