Meets Forum 2 October @ The Royal

Welcome to the Mynydd Climbing Club Forums Meets Meets Forum 2 October @ The Royal

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  • #535
    Melanie Michon

    At the end of the summer it is time to start thinking about next year’s meets. As it is our 60th Birthday, let’s put together a Meets Programme full of great meets! As always, the Mynydd needs YOU to participate and come up with some good ideas on where to go!
    This year’s Meets Forum will be held on 2 October at the Royal in Hayfield, starting at 20:30. It will be a full evening, as we will be doing both the weekend and extended meets.
    Please let me know beforehand if you have a suggestion on where to go, so that I can prepare the agenda for the evening. You can then prepare to pitch your idea to the Forum on the night. In particular I need ideas for the Summer Meet and the Spring Bank Holiday Meet!
    If you can’t attend on the night, but have a strong opinion on where we should go, please nominate someone to vote for you, or let me know and I can pitch and/or vote for your idea.

    See you there!

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