Saturday 27th – Oliver's 1st Birthday and Rachel's 30th!

Welcome to the Mynydd Climbing Club Forums General Saturday 27th – Oliver's 1st Birthday and Rachel's 30th!

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  • #2248
    Rich Johnson

    OK, its a bit late but Rachel thought I’d posted this and I thought Rachel had posted!

    As some of you may know 27th August is the Birthday of Oliver. Oliver has had a short but difficult start in life …one that he has often shared with his parents! At points over the last year we really did think that we might not reach this milestone so we are over the moon to be looking forward to his first birthday!

    What you may be also know is that this year is also Rachel’s 30th and a year in our new house!

    So to celebrate this milestone we are going to have a party/BBQ/celebration (Saturday) at ours over the August Bank Holiday weekend! We know that many of you will have Bank Holiday plans – we understand go off and enjoy yourself! For those however at a loose end we would love it if you could join us for this celebration.

    Its an open invite to anyone we know so if we have missed anyone please pass on the invite.

    We are planning to have a BBQ and a selection of beer from Torrside Brewery (& cocktails because Rachels love cocktails) to celebrate and we intend to party long past Olivers bed time!

    We are having an open house all day so feel free to pop in whenever suits you.

    Oliver will have a blessing ceremony at 1pm. This will be followed by lunch, tea, cake coffee etc …maybe some bubbly. Possibly some light BBQ food.

    As the day goes on I’m sure it will get a little more boisterous! BBQ we will re-light 6pm – 7pm. Tunes will be played and the beer released, (We have bought some beer in but there is limited supply!).

    That’s it really turn up for all or part of the day as it suits.
    Richard and Rachel

    PS if you would like to try out our new bouldering wall bring some rock shoes!

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