Welcome to the new Mynydd website

Welcome to the Mynydd Climbing Club Forums General Welcome to the new Mynydd website


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    I hope the website is working well for you all, and you can find the information you need. I’ve created a short document to help you find your way around and to introduce you to some of the new features (Twitter, new Meets calendar etc), click on the link below to view it.

    New Mynydd Website Guide

    Just realised I’ve not put anything in there about the forum being slimmed down – a conversation with a few people led me to reduce the number of forums (fora?) to 2: either your post is about a meet, or put it in general, it keeps it simpler.

    Any problems, email webmaster at mynydd.org.uk or reply here.

    Catherine E

    Jonathan Prager



    Lovely work Cath. Massive thanks for you time and effort.

    David Kirsfelds

    Looks great, well done!

    Steve Waters

    Looks good, Catherine ! – Well done for the inevitable huge effort involved.


    Thanks for all the lovely feedback. I know there is the odd hitch here and there, but I’m working on it. The main issue is possibly with the new Meets list and those using older browsers (internet explorer that hasn’t been update for a while). I have a feeling that the only solution for that is to upgrade your browser, (or I find a different solution for the meets list, but I do rather like it).

    Maria Goggin

    Website looks great – well done!
    Meets plug-in works well in firefox. Richard switched from IE to Chrome and it’s working fine there too (Now realised most of what he does works better in Chrome!)


    Meets list is lush!

    Working fine in Mozilla and just tried with IE11 and found no issues either.

    David Kirsfelds

    FYI it works fine in Safari too 🙂


    Site looks good.

    Where has the weekend meets list gone?

    Also the absent UKclimbing links on the old meets list were useful to find less common crags.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by mynyddte.

    Sorry Simon, didn’t notice the reply until today.

    If you click on Meets, you will see the Weekend meets – there is the fancy widgit you can scroll through the months, and there is a link to download a PDF list of meets.

    I’ll add UKClimbing links to upcoming meets,


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