Winter Meet 2016 – Important!

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  • #1754
    Mark Ward

    Hi all,

    just a quick heads up that the club has now settled the entire bill for our week in Torridon in February (the SMC are very firm about payments and we were required to pay in full 6 weeks before our arrival).

    So, as we are now totally committed to the week there, if anyone is having second thoughts (which I hope not, and as you’ve paid deposits I assume you want to come!!) tell me now. I have more than 25 people wanting to come at the moment and I’m hoping the extras can also be accommodated for (the hut guardian is back on the 24th so I’ll know then but he said there were still a few available the day he went on leave) thus making it a veritable den of Mynydd.

    Final payments from you lovely lot in the new year please.



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