The Mynydd Annual Fell Race and Winter Walk are on Sunday 31st October.
Meet at Clough House Car Park (
, SJ989698). The route will be between 8 and 10km. Walkers will leave at 10 and runners at 10.30. Runners will be staggered for additional ‘get lost in the hills’ spice. There will be an almost entirely arbitrary handicap system in play for the runners.
We’ll be heading to a local pub afterwards for some food and a drink. Alternatively, for the sensible, scrap the walk/run and head straight to the pub.
In the afternoon I’ll be heading over to Substation in Macclesfield for anyone else that wants to join.
My running is better than my navigating. I accept no responsibility for putting together a route that people can actually follow.
In an unusual twist I’m a naturist and the “naked jogger” that some of you may have read about in the papers last year. I live, work (and actually now shop) clothes free nearly 24/7, and will be undressed on the day if the weather permits (which, frankly, given this is the Peak District is unlikely). Please bear this in mind if signing up.
If you’re hoping to come then please reply here or on Facebook letting me know if you’re planning to:
1. Walk or run
2. Come to the pub
3. Climb in the afternoon