Welcome to the Mynydd Climbing Club

  • Mynydd members on the summit of Montagne des Agneux


We are a friendly and active club of nearly 200 members. Whilst most of us are based in South Manchester, the Northern Peak District and East Cheshire, others regularly get involved from Sheffield, Leeds, North Wales, Cornwall and even Orkney!

Club Notes
2024 Meets Are now available as a PDF download – link is at the bottom of the meets page
Online Meets Forum If you haven’t submitted your response yet, it’s not (quite) too late. Steve wants as much feedback as possible, and, ideally, some keen leaders
October 6th : Winter walks begin! Meet at Teggs Nose car park 10 for 10:30, lead by Sue, see forum for details.
October 12-13th : Working meet at B-y-N. All the fun of the fair at the hut, communal meal on Saturday night. Please let Steph know if you’re attending and your dietary preference (limited to vegetarian or carnivore)
Winter 2025 Ballater Hostel Back to the Cairngorms for the winter meet – Alex S. is your leader
Email addresses Please let us know if you change email address – it links to your renewal and (fairly obviously) e-Newsletter.

We have meets throughout the year to different parts of the UK, interspersed with a series of longer meets including: a Scottish Winter trip in February; a South UK/ European hot rock trip over Easter; a week in Scotland or Ireland during Whit; and a multi-week Alpine Meet over the summer.

On these meets our members are likely to do a whole range of different activities from multi-pitch sea cliff climbing to mountaineering to mountain biking (and a wealth of more gentle or esoteric activities if that’s your scene)! See what our committee like getting up to here

During the summer (i.e. daylight saving time) months, we climb outdoors in the Peak District every Tuesday evening. Over the Winter months, a good way to find out more about the club is by joining us at Awesome walls, Stockport most Tuesdays* from around 7pm for a chat and some climbing. You could also join us for a hike and pub meal on the first Sunday of every month November-March.

*During the winter, we go outside on the Tuesday night nearest the full moon every month for a “Full Moon Tuesday” mini-adventure: hiking, scrambling, lamplit bouldering, caving etc, just to mix it up a bit.

Thinking of joining?

You are very welcome to get to know us a bit first before joining. Our Turn Up and Tie On events in March and April are particularly tailored to prospective members, but all our meets are very informal. Please visit the membership page for more information.

We are a family-friendly club and supervised children of all ages are welcome on meets and at the club hut. However, we can only offer formal membership to those aged 18 or over.

It is assumed that you will have some climbing experience. If you are an absolute beginner, then we recommend first attending one of the introductory courses offered by all the local climbing walls.

You can also find out a bit more about some of our members, our impromptu meet-ups, and who might be attending Tuesday evening meets each week from our Facebook page.