Club dinner details

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    Steve Bowker

    Are there some details out for the dinner, or am I missing something? Mynydd Hotel rates and booking details would be useful.

    Richard Waltham

    Hi Steve,

    Good shout – this is the Club’s 60th Anniversary Dinner after all and bound to be very well attended. I’m sure Sue will soon get the website fully up to speed in the nearterm but her first priority is lounging on a sofa at the moment with her foot up (sic)!

    In between times, always assuming you know the date and venue from the Events calendar, you might want to refer to page 6 of the Journal (let Rachel J know if you haven’t received this yet but I think it’ll be landing on your doormat very soon).

    There’s even one of these new fangled ‘Google-form’ things to fill out for your menu choices:

    And, of course, don’t forget to send the money in – the usual account £27 per head (but the Hotel room is extra, and paid direct to them, but a bargain at £25pp).

    Colin Nave

    Thanks Richard. Following your reply I rang to book a room and there did not seem to be many rooms left. A heads up for any others awaiting the journal like me. I have also completed the menus and, most importantly, I have paid.
    Kym (pretending to be Colin)


    Again, posting on Sue’s behalf:

    Hi. I have posted details of how to book the hotel and dinner on the forum. I have called the Royal Vic and there are plenty of rooms left (19 just now, but only 4 doubles). You need to quote #63072. if you booked without the # reference and are worried you didn’t get the cheap rate let me know. Sue Street. 0161 307 9425. 07784 117609.

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