Dumfries and Galloway

Welcome to the Mynydd Climbing Club Forums Meets Dumfries and Galloway

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  • #1072
    Andy Hardy

    We will be camping (or tin tenting) at Balmangan Farm where we will have a corner of the campsite allocated to us.

    In the area are several Corbetts, mountain crags, sea cliffs and roadside crags with online guides from John Biggar and Needlesports as well as more conventional SMC Lowland Outcrops (latest edition 2004).

    If that’s not enough, in the area are 5 of the 7 Stanes mountain biking trail centres including the ‘world famous’ McMoab slab.

    For the indolent there are beaches for lying on and ice creams for eating. My contact at Dumfries and Galloway Tourist board tells me that the midge is unknown in the SW of Scotland and that the sun always shines on the May Day bank holiday – so remember your factor 30

    Please let me know ASAP if you are coming as I have to give the campsite numbers.

    Jules Lane

    Andy – I am keen but 50/50 at present, depending on other plans. Count me as a 1/2.

    Andy Hardy

    So far the roll of honour includes (in no special order) –
    Richard, Maria, Chris M., Alan B., Jim, Val, Derek, the Hardys and a friend of ours Hilary R. (known by some already in the Mynydd)

    Pam and Colin F. will be attending if the stars line up. Liz and Dave are also on the possibles list and Jules is havering.

    We need a few more bodies to achieve that critical mass whereby going to the loo takes 15 minutes because of all the people to say hello to on the way, and plans become exponentially more complex. This is known as the Faff Event Horizon and the Mynydd are unusually well adapted for survival in this normally difficult environment.

    As a further enticement, for those of a sybaritic nature I should have pointed out that the campsite has some wooden wigwams, suitable for grade II glamping (I don’t think there’s a hot tub attached to them or they would be grade I)

    Rachael Spraggs

    I am also a maybe – probably going to stay a maybe until I see the weather – if it’s sunny I will be up for some granite sea cliff action!

    Andy Hardy

    OK Rachael I’ll add you to the subs bench.

    BTW the sea cliffs are greywacke*, not granite. There is granite inland at Clifton and in them thar hills.

    *and I have no idea what greywacke is like to climb on!

    Rachael Spraggs

    Greywacke is just a kind of sandstone so might be a bit like grit! 🙂

    Kirsten Williams

    Dick and I are intending to come.

    Andy Hardy

    Excellent stuff Kirsten. There may even be a hook up available for your tin tent!

    Rachael Spraggs

    Hi Andy
    I’m going to turn into a no for this in the end – sorry! I’m sure you’ll all have an excellent time without me.


    Afraid I won’t be able to make it due to stupin knee injury sustained in Kalymnos

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