Forum Replies Created
Abi Lucas
ModeratorCatch us from 7:30pm!
Abi Lucas
ModeratorThe meeting link and password can be found on the members’ area as usual:
Drops me an email – if you’ve forgotten your login details / need new ones and want to join the meeting.
General chatter time available from 6pm. Adrian’s talk starts at 7pm. Likely more chatter time afterwards until ~9pm!
Abi Lucas
ModeratorThank you Maria! Great to hear it was perceived to work well.
Abi Lucas
ModeratorFull details and links now in ‘Lockdown Activities’ on the members’ area. You should also have received an email with the sign in details.
Email me on if you have any technical difficulties!
Abi Lucas
Moderator‘Lockdown Liz and her Cryptic Stanage Quiz’ results are now in on the Lockdown Activities page in the members’ area 🙂
A strong field of contestants for this one, but only Catherine and Paul managed to get the full complement – well done to you both!
Please also let us know if you’re planning on joining in this Thursday for ‘Drinks Not At The Royal’ (our fortnightly Zoom catch-up). Looks like folk are starting to get out and about more again now, so we’ll probably phase these meetings out if there isn’t enough interest.
Abi Lucas
ModeratorQuick reminder that tonight is your opportunity for a little club chinwag ‘Not at the Royal’ 🙂
Even if you can’t stay for the whole chat, we would love for you to come and give us a wave at 7:20pm over Zoom. We are going to take a quick screen recording of it (< 10 seconds) to incorporate into a little video compilation of things we've been up to as a club during lockdown. This will be featured on the BMC NW Facebook page as a 'club spotlight' next week. Links to the Zoom chat will as ever be found on the 'Lockdown Activities' page on the members' area of the website. Drop me an email ( if you can't login to the website/ find your way onto the Zoom. See you then!
Abi Lucas
ModeratorOur FINAL skills video from Dan (wahhh!) is now up on the Members’ Area:
“Ever wondered how you would get back up the rope after abseiling into the wrong sea cliff (because you were too busy thinking about your lunch to read the guidebook in detail…)? Here’s your chance to find out! How to prussik up a rope (and past a knot).”
If you’re interested in learning more about self-rescue techniques, these videos are going to stay on the Members’ Area in the order they have been released for reference any time. Dan will continue to be accessible for questions on , and I’ll still be here to field login queries at too 🙂
Abi Lucas
Moderator“Abseiling into a big sea cliff with two ropes tied together; abseiling on a rope with a damaged section isolated by a knot; or abseiling off a big route and wanting to get to the ground before dark therefore tying both ropes together and doing a full 120m abseil. Whatever the scenario, abseiling past a knot is a useful skill, and simpler than you might think!”
Find the latest from Dan over on the members’ area:
Catch him with any questions you may have from 7:20pm every Thursday ‘Not at The Royal’ (i.e. on Zoom), or drop him an email (
Any issues with website logins, email me on
And remember to submit your entries for Steve’s Pembroke quiz by this Sunday 7pm! Good luck 😀
Abi Lucas
ModeratorThis week, Dan is “building on the same concept as last week. We now look at how to escape the system and leave your climber hanging whilst you go to the pub when your belay anchors are beyond arms reach.
There’s the usual element of comedy, and not even intentional this time… ” 😅
Catch Dan with any questions you may have from 7:20pm every Thursday ‘Not at The Royal’ (i.e. on Zoom), or drop him an email (
Abi Lucas
Moderator“You might have heard rumours about the dark art of ‘Escaping the System’…Thinking about leaving your job, selling the house and living in a shed in the woods? Sorry, that’s the wrong type of system!
We’re talking about when your second can’t do the crux, they’ve fallen off numerous times and you’re getting a bit fed up. Escaping the system allows us to safely leave them there in such a way that means we can walk away and go to the pub!…
We can use this in slightly more serious situations too – maybe your climber is injured and needs some help/ 1st aid ASAP. This is the first step to getting down to them and providing the help they need.
Because it’s quite a complex topic, we’ll take it a step at a time, so next week we’ll look at how to escape when the anchors are beyond arm’s reach and then we’ll follow that with some possible next steps.”This week, learn the art of escaping the system when your anchors are in reach in the usual place:
Catch Dan with any questions you may have from 7:20pm every Thursday ‘Not at The Royal’ (i.e. on Zoom), or drop him an email (
Abi Lucas
ModeratorHow many times have you been climbing, and it turns out your climbing partner had too many pints and a massive burger in the pub the night before, and now they can’t do the crux?
Ever wondered how to give them a helping hand to get past the crux? Now’s the time to find out!
Dan’s new skills video ‘Prussik knots and how to hoist a climber’ can be found here:
You can also use this technique if your 2nd falls off a steep route and can’t get back onto the rock, or if they’re injured and you need to get them all the way up to the belay. This video also covers the basics of three different Prussik knots, and when we might choose to use them.
As ever, email me ( if you have any website login issues.
And don’t forget to have a bash at Liz’s fantastic ‘Cryptic Climbs UK’ quiz by 8pm THIS SUNDAY whilst you’re in the members’ area. Good luck!
Abi Lucas
ModeratorWeek 3 skills video now up – How to build a belay efficiently
“After climbing the crux pitch of a route, you now need to build a belay. There’s obviously lots of ways to do that, most of them may be safe, but potentially not logical, simple or efficient. Hopefully these two methods of building a belay using just the rope will help to simplify and tidy up some of the non-standard belays you may have built in the past.”
Abi Lucas
ModeratorThe next installation of Dan’s Skills Videos is available over on the Members’ Area:
“Knowing how to tie off a belay device is a really useful skill, it allows you to safely take your hands off the belay device, whilst still keeping the climber ‘locked-off’ and safe. This video covers tying off a regular belay device, a ‘guide-mode’ belay device and an Italian hitch too. As with many techniques in climbing, it’s important to know how and when to use this. In this case, it should only be used if your climber is stationary and not making upwards progress. If you’re unsure, or have any questions – pop along to the ‘Beers Not at the Royal’ Zoom session on Thursday 23rd April at 7:20pm!”
Abi Lucas
ModeratorThe link can be found in the members’ area under the ‘Lockdown Activities’ sub-page.
Abi Lucas
ModeratorPlease comment below/ contact Deborah C if you are intending to eat at Pico’s following the walk this Sunday.