Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI am coming and bringing Jocelyn – she loves sweeping and is excited about the idea of painting. Both meat eaters, although I will probably cook something separately for J earlier on.
ParticipantOops, got ahead of myself, I’m going to awesome Sheffield if anyone fancies a trip across the Pennines
ParticipantMum and I will be down from about 1pm, with Jocelyn if any other children want to come and play
ParticipantPlease note that the venue for this event has changed to Solomons, 447-449 WILMSLOW ROAD, WITHINGTON, MANCHESTER, M20 4AN
Apologies from the organisers for any inconvenience caused.
Participant(That’s three meat eaters, ta)
ParticipantThe Elliotts are in!
ParticipantAny more news as to the nature of this?
ParticipantI’m planning on being there David, and happy to be dragged up some E numbers – nice not to have the pressure of needing to lead one any more 🙂
ParticipantI’m heading to Standing Stones tomorrow from Sheffield if anyone wants to share a lift.
ParticipantAnd the winner is…
Running Hill Pits. I’m going from Sheffield if anyone wants to share a lift from this side.
ParticipantLet me know if you do get out somewhere, I might pop out with the munchkin for some sunshine and banter.
ParticipantI have it on chairmanly authority that Hen Cloud is a better place to start, a bit more meat to it. So unless anyone has a better idea, I propose Hen Cloud tomorrow (sat) from about 10.30am. I would then like to get at least one more new crag visited later in the day (after lunch) .
This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by
Catherine Elliott.
ParticipantI have a pass out for one day’s climbing this weekend, was wondering about some Staffordshire grit – Newstones, Baldatones and Gib Torr (have new Roaches guide plus need to visit some new crags!) if anyone fancies.
ParticipantThe Elliotts will be there in a tent 🙂
This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by